Wednesday, August 6, 2014

My Reads: Naked At Our Age by Joan Price

I intentionally didn't put the entire title of this non-fiction book in the title of this blog post. Why? I was afraid some who might possibly benefit from the book would turn away if they read the title and think there was nothing there for them. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

So what's the entire title? This week I'm introducing you to Joan Price, an extraordinary woman, and one of her books, Naked At Our Age: Talking Out Loud About Senior Sex.

Before you recoil in horror, or think This couldn't possibly apply to me, think again and give this book a look. It was eye-opening to me, and I think it could be to you.

Joan Price is elegant in her delivery of the joys and difficulties of sex after a "certain age." When I first bought this book, I did so because it was recommended by Betty Dodson, PhD, one of the premier sexual educators in this country. I'd watched some of Betty's videos with Carlin Ross, another sex educator, and enjoyed them. I looked through the "look inside" feature and liked what I saw.

This book isn't a manual. Instead, it's filled with actual questions and experiences of real people Joan interviewed for this book. And before you decide you don't want to read it, let me make it clear: There's plenty in here from which ANY person could benefit. The book includes chapters on sexless marriages and the dissatisfaction of a partner, bonding in non-sexual ways, using sex toys, surviving divorce and/or betrayal, and finding sexual satisfaction in the interim or aftermath of many diseases and disorders, such as cancer or Alzheimer's. There's talk about talk - specifically, talking about sex, one of my big ticket items. I firmly believe that if you can't talk about sex with your partner, you probably shouldn't have sex until you can talk about it. Communication is key.

So what did I like about this book? Everything. Sure, there was plenty in there that I already knew, but there was also plenty in there that I'd never thought about before. It can give you some ideas, encourage you if you're having problems, and help you find ways to talk to your partner about what you like and what you need.

If you're experiencing any type of difficulty in your sex life, please consider giving this book a try. While it's geared toward the older adult, it would be useful for lovers of any age. If you buy it and read it, I promise you won't be sorry.

Joan's beloved husband, Robert, succumbed to leukemia before this book was finished. Toward the end of the book, she talks about the love they shared and his unwavering support of her and her goals. I was encouraged just by reading about the relationship they shared. If your sex life is in a stall, you're completely dissatisfied, or just tired and want to throw in the towel, give it a read first. You might just decide it's worth the time and effort involved to have a healthy love life again.

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