Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Wednesday Pick-Me-Ups

I've got a question for all of you. I expect to hear SOMETHING or I'm not going to do it.

I have outtakes, things that didn't or won't make it into books. Would you like to see those? Maybe every Wednesday, or every other Wednesday? What would you think about that? I think it would be fun, but you'll have to tell me if you want them or not.

I'm thinking of one in particular that has to do with a goat. Yes, I said a goat. That's got you curious, doesn't it?

Let's see the comments, readers. You supply the "yeas" and I'll supply the goat!

BTW: Leagh's looking for bloggers to participate in my blog tour. Just go to Romance Novel Promotions to sign up. And thanks in advance.


  1. Ok a goat - yeah that pretty much has peeked my interest

  2. Farm animals ? Alright!

  3. Sounds very interesting! I'd enjoy reading them!


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